
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures with my boys, natural living, things I love, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

"What is your mother? A lioness among lions!" - Ezekiel 19:2

Piet Mondrian inspired Forms

I loved this class so much. Piet Mondrian to me is someone that really embodied modern art movement. I love the basic primary colors that he used. Also, to see his progression is awesome. He didn’t just start painting the rectangles we are accustomed to seeing and identifying as “Mondrian”, he started by copying another artist works and selling them. He was self-thought and always willing to bend the rules when it came to art. I love that his art evolved, and one can pinpoint at what point in his art life he created certain works.

I have this class posted to Teachers Pay Teachers, so go and download and support this teacher. thank you so much! Click here to purchase and support

My example is a Matryoshka. I am Ukrainian and my husband is Russian. We immigrated to these great United states with our families when we were kids. It breaks our hearts to see what is going on there and the war that is just too unjust. Praying for the Ukrainian and Russian people. Praying for peace.

It is interesting to see that the Ukrainian and Russian flag colors are intertwined in Mondrian’s color palate. So, I chose to do a Matryoshka. We are the same people.

I will have this class available on my website soon. But, please go to the link. there I have step by step instructions for this project, quick bio on Mondrian, students sample work and much more.

Andrew Wyeth watercolor resist painting

Andrew Wyeth watercolor resist painting

Jackson Pollock Weaved Art piece

Jackson Pollock Weaved Art piece