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Sugar Free Strawberry Jam

Well gang, I'm cutting out sugar from my life. For now, at least. I'm doing a Keto Diet, so no sugar. And my son is allergic to the refined sugars and colorings added to them. I do love jam on buttered toast in the morning though, sigh...

So, this year I went on a quest to make yummy jam without sugar. Here's what I tried and what I loved and didn't love. 


  • four cups strawberries
  • two Tbs honey
  • three drops of Lemon Essential oil ( Click here for MyDoterra page
  • a splash, about a tsp of Grand Marnier (it's an orange liquor) 
  • cook on low heat, stirring occasionally to scrape the bottom.  You'll know when the jam is done when the foam that develops on top of the jam starts to only be on the sides of the pot and is shiny. I always scrape that off. It should be about 45min- an hour. I hate to over cook the jam, and loose the color and flavor. 

Verdict- I didn't love the honey as a sweetener in the jam! and I love honey. The honey flavor way over powered the strawberry flavor. My boys love it though, they used it on their pancakes this morning. I did a jar with Lavender Essential oil, just a drop, and it is amazing! 


  • About four cups strawberries 
  • Four Tbs. Stevia 
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil
  • a splash, about a tsp of Grand Marnier (it's an orange liquor) 
  • cook on low heat, stirring occasionally to scrape the bottom.  You'll know when the jam is done when the foam that develops on top of the jam starts to only be on the sides of the pot and is shiny. I always scrape that off. It should be about 45min- an hour. I hate to over cook the jam, and loose the color and flavor. 

Verdict- I HATE stevia. It leaves a an after taste and I really don't enjoy it. I don't know, maybe the boys will eat it. because I didn't love the flavor of stevia in the jam I went and played around with the jams flavors. I made one with Basil Essential oil, and Bergamot Essential oil and I did a jar with chia seeds to put on Cottage cheese. I think that will be amazing. I think I salvaged it. And you may like Stevia, and its a way healthier version of a sweetener. But, I don't love it.


  • four cups berries
  • two cups Xylitol 
  • two drops Lemon Essentail oil
  • a splash, about a tsp of Grand Marnier (it's an orange liquor) 
  • cook on low heat, stirring occasionally to scrape the bottom.  You'll know when the jam is done when the foam that develops on top of the jam starts to only be on the sides of the pot and is shiny. I always scrape that off. It should be about 45min- an hour. I hate to over cook the jam, and loose the color and flavor. 

Verdict - I loved this! Xylitol really works as a substitute for sugar in jamming. I loved the flavor. Again, I did a jar with the Lavender essential oil, its so good!   

So, to make any jam: 

  1. Well, first step is getting the berries. I love going out and picking them ourselves, then coming home and sorting, jamming, and freezing for the winter season. I strongly encourage everyone to do it. And, you'll know where your berries are from. And, you'll save money. 
  2. To start with any berry jam process, make sure you sanitize your jars. I just boil the jars and tops in water for five minutes, take them out on a clean surface and leave them upside down until I'm ready to pour jam into them. 
  3. Prep berries. I use a big bowl and soak my berries for a bit to loosen off any dirt and such. I like to go berry picking when I prep for canning, so I know there's dirt. I cut berries into fourth. I like my jam chunkier, so I leave them in pieces. 
  4. Cook on low hear for about 45 min- and hour. Stirring occasionally to scape the bottom, so betties don't stick. 
  5. the foam that stays on top of the jam will need to be scraped off at the end, don't worry about it as you go. 
  6. Have your jars ready and start filling. I close the lid tight on the one I poured into before I go to the next and then flip them upside down to completely cool. 
  7. Label your hard work. Don't forget to write down the date and what all is in there. 
  8. I still have jam from 2014, it was made with regular white sugar, so I know it is lasting longer then these other sweeteners.  I know stevia is used in jamming, so I would store those in the pantry. Honey and Xylitol ones, I'm storing in the fridge. I'll put one can into the pantry and I'll post here on the outcome on how long they last in the pantry. 

Happy jamming. 

For Essential oils Click here for MyDoterra page . Click shop to order at retail, join and save for membership, or email me. 

Jamming Essentials:

Mason Jars