
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures with my boys, natural living, things I love, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

"What is your mother? A lioness among lions!" - Ezekiel 19:2

Oren Lucas C. A Birth Story

Oren Lucas Chmykhalov

Friday, June 17, 2016
8 pounds
19.5 inches

My third and seems to be final pregnancy was my hardest. I mean, I don't get morning sickness or anything like that. I had gestational diabetes with all three of my pregnancies and controlled that with diet. That's ok. I could handle that. I did have the worst body aches of all my pregnancies. At 30 weeks I went into labor. Contractions that kept me up at night and we clocked them in at 5 min apart. We went in to triage and I got an IV to hydrate me. Because I was diagnosed with this Antibody E situation, I was told they would not stop my labor, that my body is trying to just get this baby out. I will follow up with anther blog post in the next few days and talk about the Antibody E ( Click Here for the blog post) and how it effected me, and ultimately how the Lord healed me!  Any how, the doctor put me on a light duty, but no lifting. So, I had to quit my job (I'm a PTA). Two weeks later I was back in and this time I was put on bed rest, "laying on my side and putting my feet up as much as possible". Every time I walked 10 feet I was in pain from contractions. every night for 6 weeks I could not sleep because I really thought I was going to have a baby in bed because of the intensity of these contractions. My labor was too long and dragged out and I was so tired. I had a friend that gifted me her services as a doula, she was God sent for sure. She had come over when I really struggled with my contractions and made it bearable and so needed in that time of my life. 

Any how, I was induced at 38 weeks because of the diagnosis. And I was ready. I really wanted to meet him and just start doing life with three boys. My water broke naturally with the other two pregnancies and I didn't want drugs in my system with this one. I didn't even want an IV for fluids. So, I prayed labor will start quick after. And that happened. My sister didn't even make it on time! We were told this may take way longer then it actually did. We took a long walk, then I labored on a big ball, and then it was just pain and the only thing I found relief from, was a pressure on my hips from Jessica and Vlad. This is the first time Vlad was so involved in my labor. Jessica directed him so well and I really, really felt like it was something we did together. We labored together, and I loved that. Things happened fast after that. I didn't push very long, as you read Jessica's letter to my baby boy, it was only 6 min. Then, he was in my arms. He was so content. I actually had to check on him and see if he was ok. But, he was just snuggled to me. That moment you guys, that high, that unconditional love that floods your very being, right after you give birth....oh... it's priceless. Time stands still. There was such a calmness in the room. It was beautiful. 

We waited a bit longer this time to cut the cord as well, because there are so many studies I read that indicate great benefits in doing so. Good stuff to research. 

Below is that letter that my doula, my good friend, wrote Oren (a birth story). It's so beautiful. 

Oren Lucas,

Your birth story began on Friday, June 17, 2016. After weeks of trying to
convince you to stay inside mommy’s tummy so that you could grow bigger
and stronger, mommy and her doctors decided that it was finally time for
you to be born. Your mommy and daddy arrived at the hospital around 6am
on Friday morning. They were so ready and super excited to meet you! At
7:43am, mommy’s doctor broke the bag of water that surrounded you
during your time in mommy’s tummy and that signaled to you that it was
okay to come out now. After a little nap for you and breakfast for mommy,
we decided to go for a walk around the halls. That seemed to perk you up
and mommy’s contractions started picking up.
Birth is really hard work and mommy was so full of joy, it was hard to
believe that she was about to have a baby. We walked and laughed and
Daddy made silly jokes. Not too long after, I saw Mommy start to internalize
her joy and that’s when the really hard work for you and mommy began.
The contractions got stronger and Daddy stayed by mommy’s side every
minute. He and I worked together squeezing mommy’s hips to lessen the
discomfort of the contractions and help her to relax in between. Around

10:30am, things were getting very intense for mommy. She was working so
hard! I spoke scripture over mommy, while daddy loved on and supported
her. This helped mommy keep her focus on getting you here. Just a few
minutes later, I heard mommy make some small pushing noises. That
signaled to us that you were getting very close to meeting everybody. The
next time the doctor checked mommy, she was 8cm!
Labor was hard, but your mommy was strong. She kept working a little
bit longer before her body signaled to her that it was time to push. Daddy
got all gowned up and ready to be the first person to greet you and after
only 6 minutes of pushing at 11:38 on Friday, June 17, 2016 you arrived right
into your daddy’s arms. Mommy and daddy were overjoyed! Your mommy
trusted her body, you, and the Lord to bring you here without any
medications! Mommy pressed you close to her while daddy cut the cord.
Time seemed to stand still as mommy and daddy admired their precious
son. You were so very peaceful and content, finally being snuggled in your
mommy’s arms, that you hardly cried at all.
Oren Lucas, you were born with such joy and peace into the arms of a
mommy whose heart knows no boundaries when it comes to loving her
boys. It was such an honor to stand by your parent’s side as they welcomed
you into this world. My prayer for you is that you carry that joy and peace
with you throughout your life and unabashedly share it with everyone
around you. I pray the Lord finds great favor with you and calls your heart to
Him at a young age. I pray that you will be surrounded by people who
constantly point you in the direction of Christ, and that your heart is soft and
moldable to His teachings.
With all my love,
Jessica Compton


I had the most amazing doula. I had no idea what a doula was until I met my friend Jessica. 

  • A doula, also known as a birth companion and post-birth supporter, is a nonmedical person who assists a woman before, during, and/or after childbirth, as well as her spouse and/or family, by providing physical assistance and emotional support.

I wish I can rewind time and hire her with all my pregnancies/labor. She truly made this special. And she had recorded my birth story from the beginning, so I will be adding it to the post. One thing I really loved is that at that moment when I was about to loose my mind from labor pain, she read scripture over me, and I my focus became those words and those promises and not the pain. Gosh you guys, it was a beautiful moment. 

The name Oren means "a strong pine tree". A pine tree is an evergreen. An Evergreen can withstand extreme weather and still grow and thrive. So, this name is so fitting for my boy. Even in an environment of my womb, that tried so hard to get rid of him, he stayed strong and grew. He grew strong and healthy and withstood the attacks my body sent his way. Lucas mean "giver of light". And this little Oren, my strong evergreen, he gives so much light to my life. I pray he will be used by the Lord to be a light to so many. To bring that light into darkness. Into broken souls. 

 Click Here to read about the Big E antibody Situation. 

A friend of mine did all these beautiful pictures, Nadia Kushniruk. thank you so much for doing these, they are amazing. 

Alright, here are a few links to things I love from my photos, or similar. 

I love these colors! and I just want to wrap by self up in bambo swaddle blankets all day.

Hit the picture, and it will direct you to the amazon page to shop.

My Big E Antibody Situation

My Big E Antibody Situation

Simon Anthony C. First Born - Birth Story

Simon Anthony C. First Born - Birth Story