6 Things You Need For A Tie-Dye Party!
I started the summer with "Park Days" with my kids and invited other moms on a Facebook Group to explore different parks in our area, once a week. It was a lot of fun! I'll post our list of parks soon. I wanted to end the summer "Park Days" with an activity. An activity that would be easy to clean up and something the kiddos can have, and actually use all year long. We did a Tie Dye Party!
I recommend getting a kit, I'll link one bellow. So simple and it has everything you need. Here's a list of other things you will need for the perfect Tie Dye Party! I did a tie-dye day with my oldest son when we were reviewing the letter "T". I did a week of activities around the letter "T" and Tie-Dye was so fun.
T-Shirts, or anything else that's white to tie-dye
a Tie-Dye kit
plastic table cloth (I'll link the one I got bellow)
extra plastic gloves
baby wipes are a must
large zip-lock bags
This activity is suitable for kids ages 4+. My 2 year old just poured a lot of dye into the bag on his shirt and just ran around. I had to bring him an extra activity to do while we tie-dyed.
You guys, my boys want to wear their creations every day. Simon made five, so, we're safe. I got him the big pack (I tagged bellow) and I wish I got the multi-pack for the littles as well.
Click the pictures to get to Amazon and shop
<img data-preserve-html-node="true" src="//ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=olgaspitsa-20&l=am2&o=1&a=B00HZHK9KM" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;
I'll add the scooter info as well, it's our favorite right now.